A Bloody Colourful Guide to Period Blood and Textures

Approved by our medical experts

Something we get asked about a lot is around what is ‘normal’ when it comes to bleeding, and the fact is, there is no one set ‘normal’. If you’ve taken a look around our website and read a few of our blogs, you’ll know that one person’s normal is different from someone else’s normal when it comes to periods. So, we’ve put together a guide below on all the different types of normal that you might experience when it comes to bleeding.

When you think of the colour of blood, it’s easy just to think ‘red’, well that’s not the case with period blood. There are lots of other things that go into period blood (you can find out more in our blog here), things such as cervical fluid, that can alter the colour of your period. Another thing that can change the colour is how old the blood is. Usually, towards the end of your period you might notice it gets deeper in colour, even a brownish… no, it’s not poop…(and you aren’t the first person to think that). It just means the blood is a bit older and has taken a while to leave your uterus – it’s nothing to worry about.

It’s really important to remember though, if your bleeding changes and things aren’t what you’re used to, or if you’re struggling with a heavy flow, that you get some advice from either a nurse or a doctor. Just because something is normal for your friend, mum, sister or anyone you know who bleeds – if it doesn’t seem right for you, get it checked out. Remember, no one knows your Bloody Brilliant body like you do. 

Download our guide to period blood colours and flow!

Normal blood colours

A visual showing yellow and pink menstrual blood on a pad.

Period blood and cervical fluid from the beginning or end of your cycle

A visual showing bright red menstrual blood on a pad.

Bright red
Fresh period blood

A visual showing dark red and brown menstrual blood on a pad.

Dark red/brown
Old period blood from the beginning or end of your cycle

A visual showing black and grey menstrual blood on a pad.

Old period blood from the beginning or end of your cycle

Top tip!

If you have any period blood colours that don’t look like your normal, then you should ask for support

Flow and texture

Light flow

Light flow 

Watery texture

Steady flow

Steady flow

No clots

Medium flow

Medium flow


Heavy flow

Heavy flow

Some clots

Very heavy flow

Very heavy flow

Lots of clots

Top tip!

It’s important to buy the right products that fit with you and your flow!